
Double-entry accounting was created in 1494 by Luca Pacioli, an Italian mathematician and collaborator of Leonardo DaVinci, in a book that detailed the concept of this bookkeeping method. Most popular accounting software today uses the double-entry system, often hidden behind a simplified interface, which means you generally don’t have to worry about double-entry unless you want to. Identify what type of journal entry is required for this transaction .


That means you match every transaction in your accounting software to its corresponding bank statement. Liabilities and equity affect assets and vice versa, so as one side of the equation changes, the other side does, too. This helps explain why a single business transaction affects two accounts as opposed to just one. For example, when you take out a business loan, you increase your liabilities account because you’ll need to pay your lender back in the future. You simultaneously increase your cash assets because you have more cash to spend in the present. The same goes if you invest your own money into your startup business.

What are the advantages of single-entry accounting?

The first transaction that Joe will record for his company is his personal investment of $20,000 in exchange for 5,000 shares of Direct Delivery’s common stock. Direct Delivery’s accounting system will show an increase in its account Cash from zero to $20,000, and an increase in its stockholders’ equity account Common Stock by $20,000. There are no revenues because no delivery fees were earned by the company, and there were no expenses. Double-entry bookkeeping is usually done using accounting software. The software lets a business create custom accounts, like a “technology expense” account to record purchases of computers, printers, cell phones, etc. You can also connect your business bank account to make recording transactions easier. For instance, if a business takes a loan from a financial entity like a bank, the borrowed money will raise the company’s assets and the loan liability will also rise by an equivalent amount.


The change in one is a debit , and the change in another is a credit . Using a double-entry system requires at least some level of formal training in accounting. The user must, for instance, have a solid grasp of concepts such as debit, credit, Chart of accounts, and the two Accounting equations. By contrast, just about anyone who can arrange numbers in a table and add and subtract, can set up and use a single-entry system. Double entry accounting is used to balance the accounting equation. As such, entering any amount on one side of the equation requires entering the same amount on the other side. Paying an electricity bill would be entered as a debit under utility expense and result in an increase in expense while a credit would be added to cash and result in a decrease in assets.

Accounting Basics Outline

Double-entry accounting also serves as the most efficient way for a company to monitor its financial growth, especially as the scale of business grows. Peggy James is an expert in accounting, corporate finance, and personal finance. She is a certified public accountant who owns her own accounting firm, where she serves small businesses, nonprofits, solopreneurs, freelancers, and individuals. The entry is a debit of $8,000 to the cash account and a credit of $8,000 to the common stock account. Since Direct Delivery received $20,000 in cash from Joe in exchange for 5,000 shares of common stock, one of the accounts for this transaction is Cash. All small businesses with significant assets, liabilities or inventory. Billie Anne has been a bookkeeper since before the turn of the century.

If you’d only entered the $200 as a deposit, your bank account balance would be accurate, but your utility expense would be too high. If you’re not sure which accounting software application is right for your business, be sure to check out The Ascent’s in-depth accounting software reviews. This shows the same transaction recorded using double-entry accounting. While your ledger gives you an idea of how much money is in your account, it does nothing to help you track your expenses, or know how much money your customers owe you. Unlike single-entry accounting, which requires only that you post a transaction into a ledger, double-entry tracks both sides of each transaction you enter. The accounts payable captures an owed payment to the supplier or vendor that must be fulfilled in the future, but the cash remains in the possession of the company until then.

Debits increase stockholders’ equity accounts, and vice versa for credits

The sum of every debit and its corresponding credit should always be zero. Double-entry and single-entry bookkeeping are both practices used in accounting to record transactions and keep the company’s accounts up to date in the trial balance. Double-entry accounting refers to how business transactions are recorded in both debits and credits as separate accounts in the accounting ledger.

  • The chart below summarizes the impact of a debit and credit entry on each type of account.
  • The system is designed to keep accounts in balance, reduce the possibility of error, and help you produce accurate financial statements.
  • With NetSuite, you go live in a predictable timeframe — smart, stepped implementations begin with sales and span the entire customer lifecycle, so there’s continuity from sales to services to support.
  • Shareholders’ EquityShareholder’s equity is the residual interest of the shareholders in the company and is calculated as the difference between Assets and Liabilities.

Our company was able to raise $1 million in cash, reflecting an “inflow” of cash and therefore a positive adjustment. The next transaction in our example involves a $20,000 credit sale to a customer. As the liabilities are well mentioned, it is easier to identify the financial obligations. There is a unique reporting structure, and, therefore, the records remain well-organized. The credit side is to the right, and the debit side is to the left.

A debit is made in at least one account and a credit is made in at least one other account. The above examples show contra asset accounts, but there are also examples of contra liability accounts and contra expense accounts that operate in the same way. The value in the contra account reduces the company’s actual liability from the stated figure in “Bonds payable.” Businesses of every size maintain their books using accounting software designed for double-entry accounting. Even small businesses can benefit from the time savings and accuracy that leading accounting solutions bring, especially as they grow. Some systems simplify data entry by tracking digital receipts and allowing users to upload photos of physical ones, a much better alternative to keeping shoeboxes full of paper documentation. Accounting software can also typically integrate with bank and credit card accounts to automatically pull in information from those sources.

What are the three principles of double-entry?

  • Debit Side = Credit Side.
  • #1 – Real Accounts – Debit what comes in and Credit what goes out. Real accounts.
  • #2 – Personal Accounts – Debit the Receiver and Credit the Giver.
  • #3 – Nominal Accounts – Debit all Expenses and Losses and Credit all Incomes and Gains.
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